Laser Facial (Genesis / Clear Silk)

rejuvenate the skin and create a healthy glow from deep within
MUSE Chatswood, laser treatments model 011

There are many different factors over and above the natural ageing process that can have an effect on your skin, resulting in lines, wrinkles, age spots and an uneven skin tone. MUSE Clinic offer two cutting edge laser facial technologies to rejuvenate the skin and create a healthy glow from deep within.

Laser Genesis by Cutera and Clear Silk by Sciton both stimulate collagen production and encourage healthy cell activity, which gradually rejuvenates the face, neck and décolletage, all without the need for downtime or surface damage to the skin.

Laser Genesis and Clear Silk lasers are scientifically proven to successfully treat the most common signs of ageing and sun damage and is the ideal addition to any modern anti-ageing and skin care plan.

What to Expect

Before it can be determined whether the laser facial is the right treatment for you, your medical history will need to be reviewed and your aesthetic goals will need to be discussed.

Once your skin has been prepared, the laser handpiece will be moved across the areas that need to be treated. Both devices deliver high-power microsecond pulses at high repetition to safely heat the papillary and reticular dermis. This process stimulates collagen production and improves skin texture and tone, leaving you with a healthy, red carpet glow. Patients can expect to feel a warm sensation during their treatment and no numbing agents will be required prior to the procedure because there won’t be any discomfort. In fact, most patients find Laser Genesis and Clear Silk treatments to be relaxing.

The average laser session lasts about 30 minutes and patients are free to return to their normal activities directly after their session.

Several treatment sessions are recommended in order to achieve optimal results. An average of 4 – 6 treatments spaced 2-3 weeks apart is ideal but we will help you develop a personalised treatment plan based on your specific goals and requirements.

Following your Laser Genesis or Clear Silk treatment, it’s important to keep the skin hydrated and limit sun exposure.

Laser Facial at MUSE Clinic

What Can Be Treated with Laser Genesis and Clear Silk?

The face and neck are the areas that are most commonly treated with Laser Genesis and Clear Silk technology, however, any other areas of the body that are showing visible signs of ageing and sun damage can also be treated. Here are some of the key concerns that can be addressed with Laser Genesis and Clear Silk:

  • Redness: Reduce the appearance of diffuse skin redness
  • Pigmentation: Help fade pigmentation to reveal a more even complexion
  • Lines and Wrinkles: Reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles associated with ageing
  • Uneven Skin Tone & Texture: Create a smooth appearance and a healthy glow
  • Enlarged Pores: Reduce the size of enlarged pores to keep your skin free from blemishes
  • Scarring: Minimise the appearance of and the redness associated with keloid or hypertrophic scars
  • Rosacea: Treat the signs of rosacea and minimise the severity of future occurrences
  • Acne: Reduce active acne whilst stimultaneously reducing the redness and inflammation

Ideal Candidates for Laser Genesis and Clear Silk

Both of these laser facial treatments are ideal for all skin types and can be beneficial at any age. Adults who want to treat signs of ageing and skin damage without needing any downtime would benefit from this amazing laser treatment. Depending on your goals, we may recommend additional treatments to enhance the results of your laser sessions.

Laser Genesis / Clear Silk Results

The results of your laser treatments will be subtle at first but as the skin regenerates, the additional collagen will create a smoother, more youthful appearance. Regular treatments are highly recommended for those who want to maintain their new appearance. Carefully following our aftercare instructions will also enhance the results of your treatments.

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Contact Us

opening hours

Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri: 9am – 6pm

Thur: 9am – 8pm

Saturday: 10am – 4pm

Sunday: Closed

our location

Chatswood Village
Suite 66, 47 Neridah Street
Chatswood, NSW 2067

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