
improve tone, texture, and pigmentation

Experience the Future of Skin Rejuvenation with Moxi by Sciton

Moxi is a next generation laser treatment that focuses on the superficial layers of your skin to improve the overall tone, texture, and pigmentation. Unlike traditional laser treatments that require more significant downtime, Moxi uses non-ablative fractional laser technology. This means that it can resurface the skin without taking off layers, making it gentler, yet highly effective, especially for those looking to address the early signs of aging, sun damage, or simply to maintain a radiant complexion. This laser comfortably delivers non-ablative laser energy to correct the initial signs of sun damage and aging no matter the season or skin type- for a glowing and clear complexion.

What is Moxi Laser?

Moxi is cutting edge skin rejuvenation technology that uses 1927nm wavelength to efficiently target water within the cells to work with the body’s natural healing processes for a gentle treatment with little to no downtime.

This advanced technology revitalises the skin to stimulate collagen production and address skin concerns like uneven skin tone, texture, pigmentation and sun damage, all with minimal downtime and a reduced risk of complications. With Moxi you are able to achieve radiant, youthful skin with a gentle, yet effective approach all over your face and body.

Suitable for all age groups this treatment has an impressive 95% satisfaction rating on RealSelf. In fact it is one of the most popular laser treatments for younger patients seeking prejuvenation and slowing of the aging process.

The Benefits of Moxi:

Moxi is a minimally invasive laser that will offer you great rejuvenation with little to no interruption to your daily routine. Most patients will be able to go back to their regular routines with no time off which is such a bonus for those who have a busy lifestyle!

This treatment is also highly customisable which makes it perfect at targeting your individual skin concerns. Our Moxi treatments can be personalised to achieve the very best results taking into account your available social downtime and treatment goals. Impressive improvements can be achieved in as little as a single treatment although commonly 2-4 treatments are recommended. To achieve more dramatic results with less treatments we can suggest combining treatments of Moxi with BBL or Halo.

Moxi Targets:

  • Moxi’s precise wavelength targets pigmentation and superficial sun damage to promote a more even and healthy complexion.
  • Texture: whether it’s large pores or rough and uneven skin’s texture, Moxi works to refine the skins surface to result in smoother and refined skin.
  • Uneven skin tone: Moxi’s gentle approach promotes vibrant, refreshed looking skin for patients struggling with uneven skin tone.

Moxi also offers the remarkable benefit of being available and safe for all skin types and at all time of the year, making it inclusive and universally appealing.

Moxi Laser Before and Afters:

What to Expect During Treatment:

Your treatment will start off with a personalised consultation where we will assess your skin’s unique needs and create a bespoke treatment plan tailored to your concerns and goals.

On the day of treatment, your skin will be cleansed and numbing cream will be applied to ensure your comfort during the procedure.

Once treatment commences, the hand piece will be moved across the skin and will deliver precise laser energy to each area. There will be a prickly sensation on the skin and a warm heat sensation is to be expected.
The entire procedure typically takes between 20-30 minutes and afterwards you may experience some warmth, redness and mild swelling which will generally subside in a few hours. Over the following days, your skin may be more pink and feel dry before settling.

In clinic we will also recommend a post-treatment skincare regime to help optimise your results.

The Ideal Candidates:

Moxi is particularly well suited for those individuals that are starting to experience early signs of aging which can present as uneven skin tone, fine lines, texture, large pores and sun damage. If you’re looking for a preventative treatment to aid in maintaining youthful, radiant skin then Moxi is a fabulous choice!

Moreover, if you have been hesitant to undergo more invasive procedures due to risks or concerns regarding downtime, then Moxi can deliver impressive results with a shorter and gentler recover time. Dr Lowe and the dermal team will ensure you are a suitable candidate by discussing your health, past cosmetic procedures and any medications you are taking. Good candidates will typically be:

  • In good physical and mental health
  • Do not have active skin infections on the face
  • Have realistic expectations for the outcomes of treatment
  • Are willing to stick to a good skincare regimen after the procedure
  • Open to combine Moxi with BBL, Clear Silk or Halo for enhanced results

What results to expect post recovery:

After your Moxi treatment, you will likely notice immediate improvement in the texture and tone of your skin. Over time, especially with a series of treatments, you can expect to see reduction in sun spots, fine lines, uneven texture and pigmentation. We recommend maintenance treatments 1-3 times a year to further improve the overall health and appearance of your skin.


What is the Moxi laser treatment?

Moxi is a state of the art laser treatment device that is designed to address skin tone, texture and pigmentation concerns. It uses non-ablative technology to gently resurface the skin without removing its layers to provide effective rejuvenation with minimal downtime.

How does the Moxi differ from other laser treatments?

Moxi is a non-ablative treatment which means it revitalises the skin without removing any surface layers. This results in a quicker recovery time compared to other ablative devices which makes it a preferred choice for many seeking treatments with minimal interruption to their daily routine.

Who is an ideal candidate for Moxi?

Moxi is suitable for individuals experiencing early signs of aging, sun damage, uneven skin tone, those wanting a more radiant complexion or those wanting to maintain their results from more aggressive laser treatments. Moxi is also suitable for every skin colour, making it a treatment any one can have!

How long does Moxi treatment session last?

A typical Moxi treatment session last between 20 – 30 minutes depending on the size and amount of areas being treated. Moxi can also be done at any time of the year.

Is the Moxi treatment painful?

Most patients describe the sensation as warm with a tingling component on the skin. A topical numbing cream will be applied before the procedure to enhance comfort.

What can I expect post treatment?

After a Moxi, you may experience some redness and mild swelling with the sensation on the skin that is similar to a sunburn. The effects usually subside within a few hours to a few days. It will be essential to follow all post-treatment care instructions which will include SPF, avoiding excessive sun exposure and the use of recommended skincare products.

How many Moxi sessions will I need?

The number of sessions required will vary based on the individuals skin concerns and desired outcomes. On average, patients will benefit from 3-4 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart. Your clinician will provide you with a personalised treatment plan during your consultation.

When will I see results from the Moxi treatment?

Many patients notice an improvement in the skin texture and tone immediately after the treatment. However, optimal results typically develop over several weeks as the skin naturally produces more collagen.

Are there any side effects associated with Moxi?

Moxi is a safe and well tolerated treatment. Common side effects include temporary redness, swelling and a sunburn-like sensation. As with any laser treatment there is a risk of burns, scarring or pigmentation changes, but these are rare when the procedure is performed by a trained clinician.

How should I prepare for my Moxi treatment?

Avoid excessive sun exposure, tanning beds and any self tanners for at least two weeks before your treatment. If you’re using any retinoid products, it is recommended to cease use a few days prior to the procedure. During your consultation, your clinician will provide you detailed pre-treatment protocol tailored to your individual needs.

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Contact Us

opening hours

Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri: 9am – 6pm

Thur: 9am – 8pm

Saturday: 10am – 4pm

Sunday: Closed

our location

Chatswood Village
Suite 66, 47 Neridah Street
Chatswood, NSW 2067

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